Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Review of Rob Toth's Dear Employee Reports and His 28th-Birthday Promo

Here's a over-done model...

Man (or woman) makes a lot of money.

Man (or woman) then sells a book explaining how they made a lot of money.

Now, I have no problems with the above as long as:

1) The person did, in fact, create the results BEFORE they started selling how-to information.


2) The information they provide is really of high value.

And that brings me to Rob Toth's "Dear Employee" series because his current 28th Birthday promo is getting a lot of buzz.

He ran a similar birthday sale last year which was a temporary offer, but I think this one has even more of a punch to it. (And yes, I do recommend it).

The core of the offer is a sharply discounted combination of his 4 reports which explain online income models, present some of his own philosophies (such as his concept of "building an audience" which isn't entirely new but has a bit of a different spin than what I've read elsewhere), and he also presents some of the ways he has created quick cash in the past for his own needs. Plus plenty more.

I've read his reports. They're well written and I like the fact that it's a single spaced, regular font sized group of ebooks and each still manages to have 40-70 pages.

He also weaves in video tutorials directly into a couple of the reports to further explain his concepts.

In case you still haven't read over his promo, the 4 reports I'm talking about are:

1) "Dear Employee, Your Job Sucks: Create New Income Streams Through Automated Marketing Without Quitting Your Job ... Yet!"

2) "Freelancing: The Real Work At Home Job Opportunity ... Trade Your Time and Skills For a Paycheck Working From Home"

3) "Ridiculous Income Goals... And How Others Are Turning Them Into Reality"


4) "My Quick Money Ideas That Worked: What I Did To Pay Off A $1200 Loan In 36 Hours, Finance A $2700 Event In 3 Weeks and Earn $331 For 2 Hours of Work"

Rob has literally hundreds of testimonials from his readers (in fact, a long list of them are posted at his page) and he certainly is known and respected among marketers. He has been a guest expert-speaker on calls with several of the "big names".

He's an authority worth listening to and, he did build his income before selling these reports. So he's good in my books!

As I mentioned yes, I recommend his series and, even more so, I recommend his 28th Birthday offer.

The Birthday Sale package includes *a lot* more than just these 4 reports. He also throws in his traffic course (which I've skimmed and looks quite good and publicly retails for over 5X the cost of this entire pack) and then there are plenty of other bonuses plus 9 new products with Private Label Rights licenses.

This last one's huge because if you sell just ONE copy of just ONE of those 9 products, you'll recoup a lot more than the investment into the entire package.

I haven't even had a chance to look through everything I bought but I can say that what I've already seen is indeed worth a lot more than his theme-based $8 asking price.

Yes, his promo is only $8 (in theme with his "28th" birthday).

There are hundreds of dollars worth of regular retail value here (and thousands of dollars worth of content, product development, graphics, salescopy and more). At $8, you really WILL kick yourself if you don't at least look into all this.

Here's the page:

Cheers to future success,


PS. This is a limited time offer. So far, from what I've seen of Rob, when he says "limited time offer" he means it. In fact, he has a reputation building for this. He sticks to his word. And I know his last year's birthday sale was indeed closed down as promised. It's safe to say this too will be randomly closed down in the coming days.